
20 Years Experience

To provide efficient skill training to the unemployed youth through innovative application of the latest in technology by conducting low cost paid trainings and no cost trainings by utilizing the initiatives of Central and State Government.

To provide an informaly ethighly professional environment to our work force and nurture them to meet the organization's goalsas their personal targets.

To achieve excellence in every sphere of operation.

About Our Journey


To emergeas leading skill development company through devising demand driven; employable and self-employable training courses to ensure sustainable livelihood to unskilled and unemployed youth throughtotal customer satisfaction & employee motivation.


To provide efficient skill training to the unemployed youth through innovative application of the latest in technology by conducting low cost paid trainings and no cost trainings by utilizing the initiatives of Central and State Government.

To provide an informal yet highly professional environment to our work force and nurture them to meet the organization's goalsas their personal targets. To achieve excellence in every sphere of operation.

Quality Policy:

Committed to achieve customer glee through cost effective and customer-centric Quality I.T. Solutions, that are innovative and continuously upgraded in keeping with emerging technology trends by a motivated workforce, ontime, allthe time; resulting in maximizing stakeholder value.